Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Adoption Day

I've mentioned that I am an adoptive mom of five little ones, so without waiting any longer it's my honor to tell you about our latest adoption.

After spending 1221 days in state custody, on December 18, 2015, my husband and I adopted our daughters Justina and Vanessa from the foster system.

 The girls came to us a little over one year ago as an adoptive placement. The case goal had changed to adoption while they were in their previous placement, so all of the hard parts of foster care were taken care of before they came to live with us. We just had to wait out the time it took to file for termination of parental rights and for the adoption hearing.

We were their third placement after a failed reunification and a disrupted pre-adoptive placement. The girls went through a lot during the three and a half years they spent in care, but thankfully that part of their life is over, and they can begin the healing process.

On their big day, we had to wake up at 5 A.M. to get ready. We had to leave our house by 6:45 in order to make sure we made the hour long trip to the courthouse safely with time to spare.

My parents drove into town from Arkansas, and our church's amazing children's pastor drove down to be with us as well. We were surrounded by the people we love and cherish us.

There were six families and eight children being adopted that day. We were all told to be there at 8:30, but the judge didn't even start calling for the adoptions until almost 9:45. Once they started the hearings, everything moved smoothly. Our family's adoption ended up being the next to last on the docket that day, so we had plenty of time for the kids to run around and "play." The kid's bio grandma came prepared, and she brought crayons and huge coloring books for them to keep themselves busy with. 

My mom took pictures of the kids while we were waiting to be called into court. She posed them next to the Christmas tree. 

Once we were summoned into court, we were in there a total of maybe ten minutes, and it was over. The girls were announced with their new names, and in that moment we were a forever family.  

After the adoption was complete, we exited the courthouse as one big forever family.

 While outside, my parents handed me a gift. Inside was a Christmas ornament with our names on it.

 I couldn't believe it! I had been looking for this specific ornament for months, but I could only find them with enough spaces for four or less kids. 

We left the courthouse and went out to eat with my wonderful Mother in Law and my parents at a local BBQ place. We ate and talked until it was time for all of us to head back home. 

Their adoption, just like my other three children's adoptions, will be a day I never forget. Parents that give birth will always remember the day their child came into the world and entered their family, and the same goes with us and the days we adopted our children into our family, forever. 

I'll leave you with the picture of Justina and Vanessa's adoption shirts. It couldn't have been more fitting than to wear it on that day. "Nothing is more precious than family." 


Monday, December 28, 2015

The Scariest Night of My Life

The other night, December 26, 2015, I experienced one of the scariest moments of my life.

My husband and I, along with our kids, were on the way home from our last family Christmas (in the rain) when we had to make a big detour due to high water.  After going around town to avoid the high water/low road areas, we finally turned on to our street, and out of nowhere we hit a huge flooded area. The van shut down, and water started to rise inside the van. I knew we needed to get the kids out, so we scrambled to unbuckle them and I started yelling as loud as I could for help. By that point, the water was up above my knees a few inches.
This pic was taken as a screenshot from a video I made as lighting lit up the sky.

After screaming for what seemed like forever, but in reality was probably only one minute, the neighbors heard me and came running to help us. They each grabbed a screaming/crying kid and got them out of the water. They led us into their house to dry off and warm up where they gave our kids drinks and bananas to calm them down.

By the grace of God we eventually made it home safe and completely unharmed. Our van on the otherhand is d-e-a-d. I know so many people will probably blame me for driving into the fooded area, but before you judge me please let me explain.

The defrost on our van has not been working properly, so luke and I continuously wiped the windshield as I was driving just so I could see the road to get us home. I had literally just said, "good, we are on our street, we made it ok" when we hit the water. We didnt even see the flood water because the window was so fogged. Had I been able to see what I was about to drive into, I never would have attempted to drive down the road, and I never would have willingly put my family in danger.

After we arrived home, I started getting the kids into dry clothes and they started talking and processing outloud what had just happened. My oldest daughter and my son began to tell me that while I was trying to make sure everyone was unbuckled and I was yelling for help, I began to scream "Jesus! Please help us. Jesus!" I dont remember crying out for Him, but I believe my children when they say I did. They told me it was right before the neighbors heard my screams and came running out to help us. My oldest daughter said, "mom, Jesus saved us because you called for Him."

As I think about what happened, I am remind of the lyrics from the song, "Just say Jesus" by 7eventh Time Down. Part of the lyrics say, "Whisper it now, or shout it out
However it comes out, He hears your cry
Out of nowhere He will come
You gotta believe it
He will rescue you
Just call out to the way, the truth, the life

When you don't know what to say
Just say Jesus
There is power in the name
The name of Jesus
If the words won't come cause you're too afraid to pray
There is just one name, strong enough to save
There is just one name
There is just one name

I can't help but give credit where it is due. The fact that we were able to get out of our van with all five kids and zero injuries tells me that God protected us. I truly believe that when I called on His name, He rescued us by sending help. Our neighbors told us that had one of them not walked in their bathroom at that exact moment, they never would have heard me screaming. There is no way that is a coincidence. It's a divine intervention. How profound that when we call on Him, He LITERALLY saves us.

I will forever be grateful for the protecting hand of God on our lives and the kindness of strangers. I'm feeling extra blessed this holiday season.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

All the feels

I've laughed. I've cried. I've been silent, but tonight I finally broke.
My life the past few years has been a series of rollercoaster twists and turns, hills and drops. Just when things seem like they're going up, they plateau, and that I can handle. It's when life is standing still, platued, and I think that I'm finally figuring out what's coming next, I take a 90 foot drop then an immediate curve to the right. This sequence happens over and over again, but the ride never stops. 
At this point in my life, the rollercoaster is not life events, instead it's my emotions. Those gosh darn hormones have me all cray cray these days, and let me tell you, cray doesn't look good on anyone, especially me. 
I wish I could tell you exactly how I feel and why, but the truth is, I can't pinpoint exactly which reaction goes with what feeling. For example, tonight I lost it over a drill set. A. DRILL. SET! Ridiculous, right?! Well, i immediately got defensive and mouthy, (and I shed quite a few tears) but inside i was hurting.  I wasn't hurting because of the drill set being returned, but instead for the month and a half I've lost sleep, worried, and held in my feelings and every emotion possible. The drill set was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
There have been a lot of changes for my family this year. We've gone from foster parents of three kiddos to five, then to adoptive parents of 5 all within one year. Now that all of our children are legally ours, I am left wondering, "what's next?"
I'm not sure what the next part of my life holds, but I wish I did. I wish I had the answers to all of my questions, but for right now I am trying to take it one day at a time. Anymore than that, and we just might have another drill set meltdown like tonight. And I promise, it wasn't pretty.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Hello, world. It's me again.


If you've stumbled on my blog, I want to welcome you. Please, grab a coffee (or sweet tea if you're anything like me), and join me as I begin this new blog. 

As time goes on, I'll share more about myself and my family, but in a nutshell I am a Midwestern girl on a journey through life's newest adventure--wherever that takes me. With 5 kids and a husband, my life is nothing short of busy and chaotic, but I find solace in blogging. Once upon a time, I had another blog that helped me work my way through my infertility diagnosis and our decision to pursue adoption through the foster system. It is my hope that this blog serves as a place of refuge for me as I work through life after foster care/adoption and as I navigate life as a mother of five spirited little ones. 

I cant promise that I will always have it all together (Lord knows that's pretty impossible for me these days), but I promise to bring content that is honest and real. Afterall, living life in truth is best even when we are falling apart.  

I hope that you join me as I navigate through this new journey.  If you have a blog, too, please comment below and leave me your link. I'd love to connect with you!  

Until next time,